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eight hour day造句

"eight hour day"是什么意思  
  • Soon thereafter, the miners went on strike seeking an eight hour day.
  • Rather, Robins focused the discussion of the eight hour day around agricultural and industrial home work.
  • In March 1922 the Eight Hour Day Anniversary Committee was granted a three-year lease on the property.
  • Initially only those workers who had achieved an eight-hour day were allowed to march in Eight Hour Day processions.
  • The miners had fought continuously since 1909 for decent working conditions, an eight hour day and a living wage ."
  • The women laborers present at the conference were divided while discussing the eight hour day, night work, and maternity insurance.
  • "Prevailing wages " were first established shortly after the Civil War when Congress passed the National Eight Hour Day law.
  • In Tasmania the public holiday is called Eight Hours Day and in the Northern Territory it is called May Day.
  • In 1899 he was elected to the Trades Hall Eight Hours Day committee and to the executive of Trades Hall Council.
  • As she puts in her eight hour day, Ida Kimball thinks she's a little more conscientious than the average American worker.
  • It's difficult to see eight hour day in a sentence. 用eight hour day造句挺难的
  • In addition, Czechoslovakian delegate Marie Majerov?urged her fellow delegates to view domestic responsibilities of women as part of the eight hour day.
  • He accounts that  The eight hour day did not become an actuality, but a victory of far more importance was achieved by that strike.
  • In 1880 the Greenback Party broadened its platform to include support for an income tax, an eight hour day, and allowing women the right to vote.
  • Eight Hour Day was formally changed to the first Monday in May in 1901, when it was gazetted as a public holiday by the Queensland government.
  • The site is associated with significant early union activity to improve workers'conditions in Bundaberg and Central Queensland, including the Eight Hour Day movement and the AWU from 1923.
  • An Eight Hour Day Parade was held followed by a sports gathering and dinner in the hall presided over by the president of the Bundaberg Trades and Labour Council.
  • Also in South Australia, Eight Hour Day, 13 October 1915, was renamed " Anzac Day " and a carnival was organised to raise money for the Wounded Soldiers Fund.
  • He represented Perth tailors in several games of Australian Rules football as well as in running events during the annual Eight Hours Day ( Labour Day ) sports carnivals.
  • He left after six months and went to Toledo and worked alongside Samuel M . " Golden Rule " Jones and ghost-wrote the book " The Eight Hour Day ".
  • Recognising the need for a formal meeting place for unionists, the Bundaberg Eight Hour Day committee approached the Lands Department in July 1919 for a site for a Trades Hall.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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